Episode 14
Show: My Secret Bride --> Season: 1 - Season 1
AirDate: 12/7/2019
Runtime: 110
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: Suam passes out in the bathroom after having a drink given to her by a waitress. Sia Ha carries her out of the bathroom and returns her to Rut. Rut is sure that his uncle is working with Sia Ha after seeing the footage from the surveillance camera. Sia Ha tells Prakob that he wants Oy while Suam tries to convince her sister that he isn't a good person. Suam tells Neung about the fake marriage to ensure that she will get her man back after seeing her hug Rut. Neung explains that she did it to make sure that she had no feelings for him and tells Suam that she started dating Padet. Neung confronts Suam about seeing her leave a motel with Padet.