Alibi Breaker
Air Date: 2/1/2020
Imdb: tt11322656
Popularity: 25.274
Vote: 6.5/10 (6)
Last Aired: 3/14/2020 12:00:00AM
Next Aired:
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1 - Info
Networks: tv asahi

Overview: In a local shopping street in Nano prefecture, far from the metropole, young Tokino Mitani runs a clocksmith that she inherited from her grandfather all by herself. Her main job is to repair watches and clocks, but she is about to start a side business, a service to break alibis for a fee of 5000 yen per case with a guarantee that the fee is billed only when the alibi is broken. . One day, Tokino meets Yoshiyuki Saji, a detective who is newly assigned to the prefectural police department. Saji cannot break a very solid alibi at a case he is working on and secretly asks Tokino to break it. The case is very challenging, but will Tokino lead him to solve the case!?