Overview: Lucky Ladders was a United Kingdom daytime game show based on the American format titled Chain Reaction that was produced by Anglia and aired on ITV from 21 March 1988 until 14 May 1993. It was hosted by Lennie Bennett. |
Lucky LaddersAir Date: 3/21/1988Imdb:Popularity: 2.331Vote: 0/10 (0)Last Aired: 5/14/1993 12:00:00AMNext Aired:Status: EndedSeasons: 6 - InfoNetworks: ITV1 |
Overview: Lucky Ladders was a United Kingdom daytime game show based on the American format titled Chain Reaction that was produced by Anglia and aired on ITV from 21 March 1988 until 14 May 1993. It was hosted by Lennie Bennett. |