Overview: Huxley Pig is a stop-motion animated children's television series from 1989 and 1990. Based on the picture books by Rodney Peppé, the series was produced by FilmFair for Central TV. It was narrated by Martin Jarvis. |
Huxley PigAir Date: 6/5/1989Imdb:Popularity: 2.513Vote: 5/10 (1)Last Aired: 12/11/1990 12:00:00AMNext Aired:Status: EndedSeasons: 2 - InfoNetworks: ITV1 |
Overview: Huxley Pig is a stop-motion animated children's television series from 1989 and 1990. Based on the picture books by Rodney Peppé, the series was produced by FilmFair for Central TV. It was narrated by Martin Jarvis. |