Overview: The show is a coming-of-age story that revolves around the main character Ryuichi (Ryo Amamiya), who moved to Tokyo from the depopulated coal-mining town of Kanashibetsu in Hokkaido. |
昨日、悲別でAir Date: 3/9/1984Imdb:Popularity: 1.618Vote: 0/10 (0)Last Aired: 3/9/1984 12:00:00AMNext Aired:Status: Returning SeriesSeasons: 1 - InfoNetworks: |
Overview: The show is a coming-of-age story that revolves around the main character Ryuichi (Ryo Amamiya), who moved to Tokyo from the depopulated coal-mining town of Kanashibetsu in Hokkaido. |