Overview: A comedic TV series that follows the journey of the newly formed boy band, IceGuys, as they strive for stardom. Led by real-life Icelandic celebrities Aron Can, Friðrik Dór, Herra Hnetusmjör, Jón Jónsson, and Rúrik Gíslason |
IceGuysAir Date: 10/6/2023Imdb:Popularity: 1.7Vote: 10/10 (2)Last Aired: 12/15/2024 12:00:00 AMNext Aired:Status: Returning SeriesSeasons: 2 - InfoNetworks: Sjónvarp Símans |
Overview: A comedic TV series that follows the journey of the newly formed boy band, IceGuys, as they strive for stardom. Led by real-life Icelandic celebrities Aron Can, Friðrik Dór, Herra Hnetusmjör, Jón Jónsson, and Rúrik Gíslason |