Overview: The Season of Fate is a 2010 TVB television drama from Hong Kong produced by Nelson Cheung. The story takes place in a beautiful southern town. Lian Shuangchun (Guan Yonghe) and Wang Ruolan (Mi Xue) are dependent on each other. They run a tavern, but because of Lian Shuangchun’s poor cooking skills and Wang Ruolan’s Insanity and almost nothing. Ma Yongzhen (played by Guo Jinan) is a gangster who makes money and cheats, eats and drinks. One day, he met Wang Ruolan, who was repeatedly entangled by the latter as a "big brother", and had conflicts with Lian Shuangchun, so, in order to retaliate, Ma Yongzhen decided to go to work in Lian Shuangchun's tavern to make money. |