Overview: The Motorola Television Hour is an hour-long anthology series which alternated bi-weekly with The United States Steel Hour on ABC. The show premiered on November 3, 1953 and was last aired on June 1, 1954. It was sponsored by Motorola. |
The Motorola Television HourAir Date: 11/3/1953Imdb: tt0045415Popularity: 6.958Vote: 0/10 (0)Last Aired: 6/1/1954 12:00:00AMNext Aired:Status: EndedSeasons: 1 - InfoNetworks: ABC |
Overview: The Motorola Television Hour is an hour-long anthology series which alternated bi-weekly with The United States Steel Hour on ABC. The show premiered on November 3, 1953 and was last aired on June 1, 1954. It was sponsored by Motorola. |