Manzo'd With Children
Air Date: 10/5/2014
Imdb: tt3976068
Popularity: 1.235
Vote: 9/10 (2)
Last Aired: 10/30/2016 12:00:00AM
Next Aired:
Status: Ended
Seasons: 3 - Info
Networks: Bravo

Overview: Caroline Manzo ("Real Housewives of New Jersey") has a new show about the chaos of three adult children living in her -- and husband Albert's -- house. Despite being engaged, daughter Lauren has never left the Manzo household; sons Albie and Chris have returned home to save for a new apartment. Then Albie's girlfriend joins the group; Lauren tries to expand her business; Chris gets into messes -- it's hard for Caroline to handle. Sister-in-law Jacqueline, nearby, offers help, but caterer Albert focuses on more-productive activities.