Overview: Tutur Tinular is an Indonesian historical-drama TV series, produced by Genta Buana Pitaloka (now Genta Buana Paramita. It was first aired on ANTV in October 25,1997 (Season 1) and Indosiar in 1999 (Season 2). |
Tutur TinularAir Date: 10/25/1997Imdb: tt0334873Popularity: 5.837Vote: 10/10 (1)Last Aired: 7/2/1999 12:00:00AMNext Aired:Status: EndedSeasons: 2 - InfoNetworks: Indosiar, Rajawali Televisi, antv |
Overview: Tutur Tinular is an Indonesian historical-drama TV series, produced by Genta Buana Pitaloka (now Genta Buana Paramita. It was first aired on ANTV in October 25,1997 (Season 1) and Indosiar in 1999 (Season 2). |