Overview: 10+2 is a children's animated series from Catalonia, produced by Accio Studios and Victory Media Group, and directed by Miquel Pujol i Lozano. The show debuted in 1994, and as of September 2013 can be seen on Germany's KI.KA. |
10 + 2Air Date: 4/9/1991Imdb:Popularity: 59.975Vote: 8/10 (1)Last Aired: 7/7/2004 12:00:00AMNext Aired:Status: EndedSeasons: 3 - InfoNetworks: TV3, SX3 |
Overview: 10+2 is a children's animated series from Catalonia, produced by Accio Studios and Victory Media Group, and directed by Miquel Pujol i Lozano. The show debuted in 1994, and as of September 2013 can be seen on Germany's KI.KA. |