Overview: The sitcom drama revolves around the family of Balachandran, his wife Neelima, their four kids Vishnu, Lakshmi, Keshav, Shivani and Neelima's Brother Sreekuttan. |
Uppum MulakumAir Date: 12/14/2015Imdb: tt6650508Popularity: 7.413Vote: 7/10 (1)Last Aired: 9/11/2017 12:00:00AMNext Aired:Status: Returning SeriesSeasons: 3 - InfoNetworks: Flowers TV |
Overview: The sitcom drama revolves around the family of Balachandran, his wife Neelima, their four kids Vishnu, Lakshmi, Keshav, Shivani and Neelima's Brother Sreekuttan. |