Overview: The Tony Rock Project is a sketch comedy television series that premiered on October 8, 2008 on MyNetworkTV. The show stars Tony Rock, John Heffron and Whitney Cummings. It served as the lead-in for Flavor Flav's sitcom, Under One Roof. |
The Tony Rock ProjectAir Date: 10/8/2008Imdb: tt1240537Popularity: 4.606Vote: 0/10 (0)Last Aired: 3/11/2009 12:00:00 AMNext Aired:Status: EndedSeasons: 1 - InfoNetworks: MyNetworkTV |
Overview: The Tony Rock Project is a sketch comedy television series that premiered on October 8, 2008 on MyNetworkTV. The show stars Tony Rock, John Heffron and Whitney Cummings. It served as the lead-in for Flavor Flav's sitcom, Under One Roof. |