Gangs of Lemur Island
Air Date: 12/2/2019
Imdb: tt15894334
Popularity: 8.243
Vote: 8/10 (2)
Last Aired: 12/6/2019 12:00:00AM
Next Aired:
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1 - Info
Networks: ARTE, Love Nature

Overview: Among the forests and ruins of Madagascar's Berenty Reserve, four gangs of ring-tailed lemurs are locked in a feud over territory, resources, and power... and often the fiercest conflicts are happening within the tribes. This five-part series places you in the heart of "Lemur Island," where half of the world's wild population of lemurs share a fragment of land less than a square mile. Here, battle lines are drawn and crossed, leaders are trusted and tested, and gang members thrive or perish in the harsh extremes of this intense environment.